.Wednesday, April 29, 2009
hello .
today in school , we had Home Economics practical test .
Arjunna&me made two pizzas .
Arjunna's pizza was shared by the teacher who had to taste the pizza , Jing Wen&others .
she was so stingy as she wanted to eat three quarters of it -.-
i shared mine with Hafiz&Wit .
both of them took one quarter each .
Wit is Thai .
he is very kind-hearted&smart .
i have a soft spot for him(:
hey , you guys know that i'm soft-hearted , right ?
muahaha .
anyway , a boy named Shyazwan messaged&called me .
i do not know who the heck he is .
he claims he got my number from Amirul(Mukminin)&that he was Amirul's(Husni) cousin .
weird .
\ whatever /
after school , i called Ddin .
his exams started today .
we talked for a while&then we slept .
and we woke up around the same time .
hahaha .
kate best friends(:
at 6pm , did homework&revision till 7.20pm .
at 7.20pm , i went to take a shower .
my grandmother was bugging me to hurry up to get out of the toilet .
i said i was gonna be done in five minutes but two minutes later , she came knocking on the god damn door .
idiot -.-
i heard my mother say to her to use the master bedroom's toilet but she didn't wanna .
idiot -.-
after i showered , i continued doing revision .
tomorrow is English&Malay paper one .
English is OK , but Malay , damn that subject .
i am sure to fail .
whoa , it's 9pm now .
hahaha .
bye la .
.Tuesday, April 28, 2009
hey hey you you !
haha :D
today in school , we had Physical Education .
in other words , PE .
did shuttle run .
whoo , my favourite !
came in second among the girls in my class .
the fastest timing for girls' is 11.3seconds&my timing was 11.4seconds .
the girl just beat me by o.10seconds .
damn it .
hahaha .
in primary school , i remember i got 10.2seconds .
damn , i did not improve .
anyway , had recess with Nana&Ilyana .
both of them were acting like children , chasing each other around the canteen .
and i had to catch up with them .
crazy .
during English lesson , teacher gave us back our situational writing composition .
i got 24/30 .
in primary school , i used to get 27&above .
but that's okay , we'll take it like how my boyfriend says - slow&steady:D
which reminds me , tomorrow is his birthday !
i do not know what the freaking hell to give him .
anyway , back to English class , i did not pay attention .
well , only 25% listening .
and you wanna know what i was doing ?
Graffiti .
haha .
Hafiz's name&my cousin's name&Ddin's name .
then Hafiz graffiti-ed my name on his English paper .
was he out of his mind ?
what would happen if Miss Foo suspects that there is something going on between me&him ?
die die die .
hahaha .
towards the end of the day , it began to rain .
mummy text me in class saying that she will fetch me .
yay , no need for me to walk in the rain&stand in the bus .
muahaha .
during the car ride back home , mummy broke a heartbreaking news(to me) .
we were gonna move house next week .
yes , NEXT WEEK !
i told Ddin .
he is sad):
me too .
what the hell .
i thought the house was gonna be renovated first but mummy said the renovation can be done while we are living in the house .
yeah yeah , okay .
you win .
.Monday, April 27, 2009
today , in school was quite bad .
prolly coz i did not do an Art critique which was due last Tuesday&the teacher announced it to the whole class .
and i did not do my Malay homework&had to stay back after school to do it .
not really a great way to start a Monday , huh ?
during Literature, i slept .
muahaha .
i even had a dream .
it was about me still being in primary 6 .
i was in my 6Love class&as usual , being the centre of attention together with Nabilah .
muahaha .
i miss those days .
after school , there was actually a Student Counsellors' meeting but i was lazy to attend .
afterwards , i asked Amirul what the meeting was about&he said that there was gonna be a camp during the June holidays .
shit .
a fvcking camp .
do i really have to attend the god-damned thang ?
anyway , i have a reason to looking forward to today .
i was gonna meet my bestest friend , Ddin !
so i reached home around 3.40pm .
Ddin came to my house at 4pm .
he fetched me&we went out .
wanted to meet AhboiToyol but in the end , we didn't -.-
Ddin&I talked about stuff .
yeahyeah , stuff .
hahax .
ohh , today is a happy day for me too coz it is me&my boyfriend's one month anniversary .
haha , one month also need anniversary .
we couldn't get in touch coz his prepaid was low .
oh baby , i miss you .
anyway , me&Ddin didn't take any pictures .
but we were sitting so very close together that the mat reps that passed by thought we were lovers .
the mat reps were so curious that they sat on a bench not far from me&Ddin&watched us .
in the end , i had to leave&the mat reps saw us do our handshake .
then they knew that we were not lovers .
muahaha .
now i'm currently chatting to Nabilah&Uncle Khai .
.Friday, April 24, 2009
hello(: today is Friday .
slacked the whole day .
in school , we had Home Economics test .
it was OK .
was distracted in class by Hafiz the whole time which means that I did not gain any knowledge .
it was like my body&soul was there but my mind was not there , hahaha .
after school , went for tuition .
my tuition starts at 2pm and ends at 4pm .
in the bus , an upper secondary school boy sat next to me .
he is not from my school .
he smelled so nice .
perfume , duh -.-
after i finished tuition , went home .
at 6pm , went to Tampines Mart to meet my cousin .
we wanted to catch up .
while walking , i bumped into Ddin !
my best best best friend !
he was in his school uniform .
damn , he looks like a nerd .
while i look like a gangster .
wht-the-fck .
we did not have enough time to talk for a long time so we promised to meet on Monday .
so i met up with my cousin .
bought bubble tea&walked one round of Tampines Street 33&32 .
hahaha .
now it's 7.30pm .
gonna shower&do my homework .
i'm doing homework to be on par with lessons(:
\ btw , who wants to be linked , tell me . i will tell you if you are gonna be linked /
-Loveszx .
.Wednesday, April 22, 2009
haha , hello .
sorrie for not been updating .
blame mommy .
she didn't lemme use the god-damned computer .
so many things have been happening these past week .
i don't even know where to start&don't even know what to say .
hahaha .
i am happy , sad , mad , disappointed , depressed all in one .
i am too lazy to type them out why ...
i am empty too .
because Ddin has not been msging me .
not because we fought or anything but because his prepaid is low .
Shiddiq's prepaid is low too):
our one month anniversary is next Monday .
hehehe .
iloveeeeeeeeeemyyboyyfrienddddddd !!!!!!!!!!!!
hahaha .
other than them , i love Nana , Naz , Yana Sykes , Yana , Redza , Hafiz , Bul , Ahboi , Nab , Monyet&Izati .
why the hell am i even telling you this ?
weird , i don't know .
i wanna change my skin but i am damn lazy .
and i think i wanna put a tagbox again .
hahax .
will do it after exams .
ohh , i layered my hair .
muahaha . Labels: 27o3o9
.Monday, April 13, 2009
today was kind of fun . had a lot of free periods .
five , actually .
that is , if calculated , 2and a half hours .
haha , slacked the whole day&caught up with weekend gossips with Liyana , Nazurah , Arjunna&Zahira .
didn't get a chance to talk to Ilyana , though .
i was walking back from Malay class and I didn't see Ilyana .
she pinched me .
yeah , she did .
i was like , 'whattheee ...?'
lawl .
Arjunna&me went to McD after school .
then went back to school .
that was about 3.40pm .
there was still people in the class so we hung out in class .
i was listening to music from my phone when Hafiz suddenly snatched my phone&browsed through my photos .
fcuk , he saw a picture of me half naked .
i was wearing a god-damned bikini .
and now my new nickname will be 'Bikini Girl'
but hey , it was Hafiz's fault .
he snatched my phone away !
busted -.-
anyway , at 5pm , went home with Amirul .
people thought he&me were boyfriend&girlfriend .
please , not every boy&girl you see walking together means they are a couple .
have you guys ever thought about the fact that they are good friends ? -.-
got back home and Rayan was screaming .
yeah , a VERY NICE way to greet your sister back home , Rayan .
sheeshzx -.-
i was feeling so empty as Ddin haven't message me .
he has soccer training every Monday&Friday till 6pm !
then he finally msged me around 7+ pm .
hehe , i'm no longer feeling empty^^
i've updated today , yeay me ! -.-
and the edited pic up there is me&my boyfr .
btw , i know my skin sucks but i love Fernando Torres .
his my second boyfriend .
chey wah ! ^^
.Sunday, April 12, 2009
hey guys .
sorrie for not been updating regularly .
lazy , hahaha .
as you can see , i've changed my skin .
yesterday , Liverpool won 4-0 that's why my skin is Fernando Torres .
i was thinking about him , haha .
i've decided what my new room colour will be .
black and purple with neon lights .
cool , i know .
haha ^^
on Thursday , i went out with Shiddiq&Ddin .
first we went to East Spring Primary School's sports day .
i met up with a lot of my old friends !
so happy , HAHAX !
after that , we went to Tampines Safra .
Ddin carried my school bag .
hehe .
at Safra , we played a game of pool&then we went to lan .
at first the 3 of us were separated coz no seats available .
i sat with Shiddiq .
then the people went out&Ddin came to sit with me&Shiddiq .
they taught me how to play Counter Strike .
i swear i was a mess , playing that game .
then at about 6.30pm , Ddin&Shiddiq sent me home .
at night about 8.30pm , i went running at Bedok Reservoir .
i ran 3km&did 25 sit-ups&went home .
good exercise , man .
haha .
on Friday , my family&I went to IKEA to buy beds , wardrobes , desks&all that junk for the new house .
on Saturday , we went to my uncle's house to have dinner .
today i slacked the whole day .
damn , is it really already Sunday ??
i can't believe it ...
i feel like running again , man .
haha .
.Monday, April 06, 2009
hey guys . sorrie for not have been updating . didn't feel like updating . coz i don't reallie know what to write even if i update .now i know what to write haha .actualie , i reallie don't . LoL i made 4 new friends last week . Ilyana , Azira , Faridah&Hibriyah . Ilyana is my favourite .she's so cute and tomboyish . that's why i like her the most . hehe . they're from my school , but NT . about my new house , i'm moving in in less than 1 month !May 2nd !yay yay yay !hehe .i'm having a dilemma . should i get the theme of my room to be tomboyish or feminine ?tomboyish would be black and purple .and feminine would be turquoise . hmm ... i have till this Friday to decide !because mummy is bringing me to IKEA on Friday . hehe , i can't wait . Thursday is gonna be a big day for me too .i'm going on a double-date . me and my boyfriend and aunty Jess&uncle Aja . we're watching a movie .hehe .ok , bye .